
OK, the hard part is done.

Now I just have to stuff it with something.

(ps - do me a favor and leave me a comment if you'd even consider buying this book. Maybe I can use it as leverage to get my foot in some unsuspecting agent's door. Stranger things have happened.)


  1. Now that is a book I'd buy!

  2. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Start with all of the stories you've got on your blog, add in a few "originals" (not already in the blog), and then you have it!

    See another blogger-turned-published-author here.

    Yes, I bought this book, and I would definitely buy yours too...

  3. I would SO buy this book.

  4. Yes! And I know friends who would buy it! (Even if I have to threaten them...)

  5. How much are you going to ask for it?

  6. I probably would! I love your stories about being a kid in the 70's as they closely mirror my childhood in upstate NY - including the places you lived them out (i.e. Catskill Game Farm)

  7. johnny- love your posts, and i would be delighted to buy prety much any book you wrote if it were as well written & funny.

  8. DUDE!!! You know I will! Seriously. Seriously.

    Get me an ISBN and I will purchase.

  9. I've been reading the blog for a while now, and I love your stories. You have an amazing ability to capture the humor that comes with growing up. There is so much life in your stories. They're great.

    I'd be very interested in picking up a copy of the book if I ever have the chance. Here's hoping . . .

  10. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Well of course I would!!!

  11. I would say the entertainment I have received from this blog is worth me buying a book.

  12. I'd buy the book, and I'd make my book club read it, too.

  13. Anonymous4:37 PM

    If this book were as funny as your blog posts about growing up, I would definitely buy it. I love laughing out loud while I'm reading books, because no one else knows why I'm laughing. It's like having a wonderful secret! Go for it, Johnny!

  14. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Hi! I have never left a comment before but I think you are absolutely hilarious and can't wait until your next post! I WOULD buy this book!

  15. Love the cover, and I would love the book. It would e a great gift for anyone who survived the 70's, and anyone with a techie job, like yours. I like your work stories a lot, (weirdest boss, things in the bathroom, special dark before he went dark)... The next time I see that cover design, I hope it is on Amazon, Johnny!

    You are really talented, I don't think you'd have any problem getting a book deal done.
    ~ Camille

  16. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Absolutely... without hesitation... YES.

  17. Yes I would definately buy your book.

    Plus I would get all of my friends to buy your book too.

    I am so happy you have finally decided to try :)

  18. Anonymous4:57 PM

    i would totally buy it.

    but you should change the title to "misadventure"!

  19. Would totally buy this book. And recommend it to my friends. Both of them.

  20. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Based on the delightful reading I've found on your blog, if you are the author, I will buy it.


  21. +1
    count me among potential buyers

  22. Count me in (but not online - I don't buy online)

  23. Anonymous5:20 PM

    a book id definitely buy

  24. I'm in completely

  25. I would definitely buy this book! LOVE the title!

  26. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I'm in!

  27. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Most definitely would buy it. EVERY SINGLE ONE of your childhood (and teenage) stories is funny as hell.

    BTW, consider making the title bigger and darker (to contrast with the background) and putting it higher. It seems that it would balance space on the cover better....

  28. Anonymous5:56 PM

    The stories of your childhood are wonderful and I would absolutely buy your book.

    Your brothers were The Snitch and Houdini, what was your nickname??

  29. Anonymous5:57 PM

    If I said no at this point, I'd be a dinkus and be spammed like crazy. So I'm going to say, "Yes. A resounding yes!" Oh, and even if I weren't under pressure, I would still buy it. No, really.

    This reminds me that I still need to pick up a few other books by bloggers I read.

  30. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I would definitely buy it. And I'd probably buy copies for all my friends for Christmas. I send them links to your blog all the time already lol.

  31. this would be at the top of my husband's christmas list i would finally have the perfect gift for him!!

  32. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I'd buy it. Paperback, not hardcover. I don't want my friends to think I went from a music geek to a book snob. Baby steps, ya know.

  33. I'd be at the bookstore on release day!

  34. I'd buy it!!! You have a deft way with words!

  35. I would buy it and give it to everyone I know as a Christmas gift. Can't wait!

  36. Heck yeah. That was me.

  37. Self-publish! Those snooty bastards just keep all the profits anyways. That's how I made millions on my book.

    I'll take 5 on pre-order.

  38. I'd buy it. You're childhood stories ALWAYS make me bust out laughing...and I'm usually at work!

  39. After finding and reading your blog, heck yeah!

    This would be one my husband would read, and it doesn't even have the Cisco name on the front.

  40. Anonymous8:07 PM

    straight to paperback? I'd buy it. Keep the schmaltz to a minimum.

  41. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I would definitely buy. Love your blog.

  42. Anonymous8:28 PM

    OK this does I'm coming out of lurking to say that yes absolutely, I will buy your book. But I am still anonymous since I have no Blogger identity.

  43. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Heck yeah! I'd buy it!


  44. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I would buy multiple copies to give as gifts. Most especially to my siblings. They may think you stole some of the stories as they sound so like our own shared childhood.

  45. oh, i'd totally buy your book. especially if you throw in some stories about the squattersons.

  46. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I'd buy it :)

  47. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I LOVE IT! (yes I meant to shout) It is perfect. I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't buy it. oh, wait, maybe some goth chick or tweaker... but the rest of us, hell yeah, I'd even buy copies for my childhood friends. What a blast. I'm hoping the best for you.


  48. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Dude, I've already forwarded your posts to a dozen or more of my friends and relatives. Several of them replied that you should write a book. So we've got at least a dozen takers here...write it!


  49. I love your writing style, your topics, everything. I would DEFINITELY buy this book if I saw it on the shelf. =]

  50. heck yes, i'm in.

  51. I'd buy it. My friend and I have talked about writing a book of all of our adventures over the years.

  52. I'd buy it in a heartbeat! I feel like I know you guys!

  53. Just don't get all commercial.

    Shoot, I have your hotrod series printed in a binder. I have it at the ready when days suck and I need something to laugh at.

    Dude, you could totally pull it off.

  54. Wow! thanks everyone. Mike, maybe that could be the second book. Don't they always want a followup already in the can?

    And no Schmaltz. I hate rendered goose fat.

  55. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Forget the childhood stories, we want Special Dark back!

  56. I'd buy it for sure! And I'd probably buy a few extra to send to my brothers for kicks and giggles.

  57. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Yes, I'd buy it. Love the cover.

  58. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I'm with Shamus - publish it yourself. More profits that way, and you already know we'll all buy it, even if we didn't read the blog. Judging a book by its cover, that's got some good stories. Either way you publish, I volunteer for your "street team!"

    And as much as I like the idea of a follow-up with your grown-up stories, a lot of the Squattersons, work stuff, etc. is already here. So...you have to split your material? Some for the blog and some for the book? It would be hard knowing you're holding out on us.

  59. I'd buy it and I can think of at least 5 other people that would appreciate your sense of humor and writing style.

  60. Anonymous11:18 PM

    I'd buy!

  61. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I'd buy one and one for my brother (who is probably still waiting out in the hall to be the milkman)...no, you can't use that in your book...well, maybe if you give me a free copy when you are published. hehehe!

  62. I already ordered my copy

  63. Anonymous12:55 AM

    I'd buy it.

  64. I'm currently looking for a job and short on cash, but I'd definitely buy it if I have money by the time it comes out. Your story telling abilities are amazing.

  65. Anonymous3:21 AM

    I'm a 'starving college student' so I'd definitely sit down with it in Barns and Noble...and if I ever had disposable income that wasn't going towards gas and laundry, I would buy it in a heartbeat!

    P.S. You are yet another one of the bloggers I read every day that is writing a book. Welcome to the club!

  66. Anonymous3:50 AM


  67. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Would definitely buy it. Just make sure you ship to new zealand!

  68. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Yes! Yes! Yes!
    dang...wish i were that agent...

  69. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I am sure I would grab this book. And so would many others if they knew the quality of matter in it. Go ahead..:)

  70. Screw food, I'm getting this book!

  71. I"d buy for sure! I love reading your funny stories about your childhood because it brings back soooo much nostalgia for me. I love it!

  72. I'd buy it. I'd encourage my friends to buy it. I'd buy it for my family. See. You've sold at least 4 books right there. Write it!

  73. I'd definitely buy it.

    And I'm in Kenya.

    So tell them it's got "international appeal."

  74. i'd probably be interested. i just wouldn't want me children to see it when they're older.

  75. Oh ya...that would be something I would read..if I could read!

  76. I'm all over that like white on rice.

  77. I'd even pre-order it from Amazon if you'd really like to know. (and btw I LOVE the cover!)

  78. And JV, I hope you get this far in your comments - Have you checked out the "Waiter Rant" blog? He was a blogger just like you (diff material of course) , and really did get a book deal. He's currently on his 3rd week of the N.Y. Times Best seller list.

    He wrote between stories about the book writing process (he'd never written one before) about how much it takes, trials, tribulations, what-not, and the good stuff too.

    It would do you good to check out those posts. :) Just so you can be prepared and I can buy your book of course :P

  79. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I would absolutely buy that book! I grew up in the 70s, too (although a few years behind you), and your stories bring back a lot of memories of my own childhood. Plus, I love the way you write about your mom--with so much warmth and humor, but no sappiness. It will be a terrific book, I'm sure.

  80. Anonymous8:39 AM

    absolutely would buy it

  81. Absolutely I would!

  82. Anonymous9:39 AM

    JV, I'd buy your book if it were mimeographed and stapled in the wrong corner so...yeah, I'll definitely buy a nicely bound publication.
    Not to freak you out, but my youngest son (3) has a shirt (apparently) identical to the one worn by the boy on your cover. Classic.

  83. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Yeah, I'd buy it. Even if I suspected that it would suck I would buy it. I figure I owe you big time for all of the hours of fun I've had reading your blog. I love your writing and I'm sure it'll be a great read.

    Soon you'll be stacking $50 dollar bills over the holes in your roof, I'm sure. I hope your wealth doesn't change you. I know it would change me. Even though I'm not in any way orthopedically impaired, I'd immediately get me a cane with a giant gold dollar sign on it - and possibly a top hat. But that's just me.


  84. Yup, in a New York minute!

  85. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I'd buy it!

  86. I would totally buy it. Many of them actually - give one to all my friends. But there is NO WAY I would let me kid read it until they are out of my house.

    Don't want to give her any ideas KWIM?

  87. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Put me down for 2!!!

    GO JOHNNY!!!1

  88. Buy it, I would.

  89. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Oh my goodness YES I would buy this book. I would use it as my pick in my bookclub so 8 other women (6 of them teachers) can read and they would tell their friends and in a month's time you will be on the NY Times Best Sellers list.

    Will you invite me to the premier of the soon to be made movie?

    Great cover.

  90. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Dang, that was one long run on sentence.

  91. Yep.

    No backing out now. Look at all these people counting on you!

  92. JV - YES, I've been waiting to buy it for some time now. Pleeeeze be sure to let the public know on the cover and synopsis (and whatever else they do to promote and describe books) that you're the infamous JC Penney blogger guy (marketing, Son, marketing). I'll buy several for gift-giving for every occasion in 2009 (or 10).

  93. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Would definitely buy a book!

  94. Certainly! Add me to the waiting list....

  95. I would buy it in a heartbeat!

  96. You had me at the J C Penny catalog blog. I'm in.

  97. I would buy it. And as a special bonus I'll tell all my friends how funny it is and, since I don't loan out books, they'd all have to buy a copy too.

  98. In a heartbeat! Now, get to work.

  99. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I'd buy it - I LOVE your stories.


  100. Hell yes I would. I'd probably buy one for my Dad too. I keep trying to get him to read your blog but he has trouble with the interwebs.

  101. Are you kidding me?! Hells yeah I'd buy your book! I'd even start a book club and we'd all read it together, then roll around the living room hooting with laughter. Good times ahead JV!!

  102. I would buy one for me and one for my friend.

  103. Anonymous3:17 PM

    May I make a suggestion about the subtitle? The two adjectives, "humorous" and "death-defying" modify "tales" as it is written. But it is not the tales themselves which are death-defying. It is the acts relayed in those tales. Maybe "humorous tales of death-defying childhood misadventure." But I'm sure your editor/publisher would have taken care of that.

  104. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Absolutely. Bring it on.

  105. I want to buy the first copy!!!

  106. I'd buy it and that's no lie!

  107. I would most definitely buy this book!! I love your writing style and your tales of growing up!

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Yes, yes a million times yes - can you get it out by Xmas? Oh and you were so cute as a little boy!

  110. I would totally buy this, and probably one for my brother, too! :)

    Make sure you leave in your diagrams - such as for the story about suspending the brick in a tree. Those are really cute.

    Check this out - a good resource for people looking at agents/publishers.

  111. I'd buy it, and then I'd blog about it.

  112. Anonymous4:36 PM

    If that book is anywhere near as funny as this blog, I would be the first in line to buy it!

  113. I would buy this book.

  114. Sorry I don’t have time to go through all the comments. So, I may be repeating something that has already been said. If I do, I apologize in advance, and if not then we all can learn something new.

    Self publish what you have now. Go to blurb.com and you can upload your blog to their site. Make your adjustments and poof, Bob’s your Uncle you have a book. You can also put the book up for sale on their site and direct users/customers to purchase the book form the site and get rich in the meantime.

    Kirk Out!

  115. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I would buy your book. You give David Sedaris a run for his money and he’s a professional. Professional at what I don’t know.

  116. I would buy it in a heartbeat! I completely love memoirs of random childhood happenings.

  117. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I'll buy it...for some reason, I feel like i owe you...

  118. I’m sorry did I mention I would buy your book. OK, lets get down to brass tacks. Since all your fans have now encouraged you to give up your life savings and go forward in becoming an “Author”, will we get signed copies?

    ~Kirk Out!

  119. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I love your blog! I would be very interested in reading your wonderfully hilarious stories in book form!

  120. Oh my! I would certainly buy this book! But you should have some sort of warning in the front of it.

    Caution: the tales in this book might make you spit coke on your book, laugh so hard your sides hurt, or even pee a little in your pants. LOL good luck!

  121. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I would but that book

  122. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I'd buy it. Partly because you're funny, and partly because I'm scared of Diesel finding out if I didn't.

  123. You better believe I'd buy it!

  124. I would definetly buy that.

  125. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I will buy it on one condition:

    Your mom has to be in it.

    Also, and I guess this is a second condition, I want an autographed copy.

  126. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Heck I would buy this book!!!! I love your writing and great stories!

  127. Anonymous7:50 PM

    The only problem with you publishing a book is that I won't be able to get my fix for free anymore!
    I recently started at the beginning of all your blogs when I found out you were the "JC Penny Catalogue" guy, and you have that fantastic ability to be both heartwarming and snortingly (?) hilarious at the same time.
    You can definitely count your stories and writing as equal to or better than authors like Augusten Burroughs, Laurie Notaro, etc.
    Please make sure the book will be available in Canada!!!

  128. YAY! You did it!
    I absolutely love the cover!
    I would definitely buy your book. I can't wait!

  129. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Count me in!

  130. I'd buy it both for myself and for my brother as a gift ... when I read your stories, I think of my childhood, but even more of my brother and his friends. I bet you could sell a lot because others would feel the same way about guys in their lives who lived (just barely) through similar adventures.

  131. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Not only would I buy one for me, but for the entire family for Christmas, and ALL my friends who survived their childhood in the '70s and still have enough brain cells left to read. PUBLISH THAT PUPPY!

  132. Is that really a picture of you or houdini or snitch? I would buy a book that includes more of those great stories- include some more of your mom the maverick- the speed bump story is great!

  133. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Count me in. Love your stuff!

    Behind you 100%


  134. Anon, I like "Humorous tales of death-defying childhood misadventure." I knew something was off there, but didn't have time to screw with it before I left town for a few days. Thanks.

  135. Suzanne, that is me. And my girl's bike.

  136. Anonymous11:40 PM

    OMG, I would sooooooo buy that book.

  137. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Duh! Of COURSE I would buy this book...likely several copies...did you read my previous comment on your most recent blog about how my Favorite Book Ever started as a collection of stories about growing up? (A Girl Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel and the sequel, She Got Up Off the Couch) I TOTALLY LOVE those two books and have bought and lent and recommended them more times that I can count...I'd love to have the opportunity to do that with your book!

  138. I DID see that, but I haven't had a chance to research it yet. Thanks for the tip, I will definitely check it out.

  139. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Not only would I buy one for myself, I'd make it a Christmas gift for all of my friends. That would be the easiest Christmas shopping ever!

  140. I would most definatley buy this book. I have laughed until I cried after reading so many of your stories.

  141. Anonymous12:57 AM

    I would def. buy it

  142. I am SO buying this book. Get it published, NOW!

  143. Anonymous1:44 AM

    definitely buy. make sure it's got all the classics that have already been blogged! perfect gift for my dad as well.

  144. Anonymous1:47 AM

    ps. please keep it reasonably affordable! i know first publications often aren't cheap to make and therefore more expensive to sell, but like i said, reasonable please!

  145. Anonymous2:56 AM

    I'd buy it and give it as gifts to my siblings who also grew up in the 70s (please include the trip to the petting zoo...I sent your blog to my father who said all we had to do was change the names and it could be our family)

  146. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I'd buy it for my husband and his brother for sure - they would SO love this book. Good luck!

  147. I'd buy this book in a heartbeat!!

  148. I'd buy three. Your stories from childhood are my favorite.

  149. Ya mon'

    JV, I've got 4 brothers & 4 sisters, and ALL of them would love this. Thanks for making so many people so happy!

  150. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I would buy it for sure. I think bloggers publishing their material is going to be the next big thing!

  151. Yes, yes, please yes!
    I'd buy a copy for myself and then for everyone on my Christmas list!

    - I second the request for diagrams!

    As for making it available in Canada, I'll still cross the border to buy it (stupid Canadian book sales still charge 15% more!)

  152. Of course! You're the only guy I know who makes my childhood sound normal!

    Put me down for 5, but please only autograph ONE. I want MINE to be special. Hahaha...

  153. I'd definitely buy it based on the childhood stories you post on here. Great reads, and I like the cover you've designed.

  154. I've been reading since before you were the JCPenney catalog guy. I would love it if you'd publish this book. As others have said, self-publishing is a great option. I'm a member of a group who published through Lulu.com and we were really impressed with how great they were.

  155. I'd buy it and give one as a gift.

  156. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I'm in! Your stories remind me of David Sedaris' books - sharp sense of humor, which I love. I know you'll be a success with this - I'm happy for you!

  157. I would totally buy it. I love the cover picture.

  158. Anonymous4:42 PM

    yes! I would buy this book and tell all my friends to get it too...

  159. OK, I work in a library and I have a bit of an addiction to books. Sometimes I pick them because of the author or a recommendation or even something I read. But sometimes, I pick up a book completely and totally because of it's cover. I know the old adage, but I have noticed for me I tend to like the books that drew me in with the cover alone.

    The cover you have designed would draw me in and yes, I would buy the book based on the cover alone. The plus side for you is that since I have also become attached to your silly little ramblings, I would have to buy the book because it was from you. (I wonder if that means I would have to buy two?)

    Seriously, you are a really good writer and your childhood tales are great. You should definitely write this.

  160. I would definitely buy your book. Your stories are well written in addition to captivating. You obviously have a following and I am sure that anyone who has read your work would be delighted to own any book written by you.

  161. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I just stopped in to say good luck. We're all counting on you.

    And yes, I would surely buy this publication.

  162. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Dude, your stories are awesome! They totally remind me of my childhood as well. I'd totally be interested in buying it!

  163. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Consider me to have signed up on your advance purchase list.

  164. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I would buy two!!!

  165. Put me down for a box!!!

  166. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I have 3 sisters and a brother who would love your book as much as I would. Your stories have a common thread that anyone growing up in the 60's and 70's can relate to. You gotta somehow work in the JCPenney stuff - it's too great to leave unpublished.

  167. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Even if I had never read anything you'd ever written.

  168. I would absolutely buy your book!

  169. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I'd definitely buy a book that you write!

  170. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I would totally buy that book.

  171. Anonymous6:14 PM

    We'd buy two copies so we could both read it at the same time!!

  172. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Count me in, and a copy for my lame dial-up brother who never surfs for a b-day or holiday gift. We did some of the things you did. I know we'd both read it and recall a lot of the fun.

  173. Anonymous10:04 PM


  174. I've become a fan of the Snitch. I'd absolutely read more.

  175. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I would TOTALY buy one.....
    I would even pay FULL price.

  176. Your name should be big across the top. No "by." And yes, I'd buy it.

  177. Are you kidding? I'd buy a copy for myself and everyone else I know that grew up in the 70's!

  178. The Snitch, Houdini & Me, by Johnny Virgil would be on all wish lists to Santa and under every good little boy and girls Christmas trees. It would also be the book that everybody is talking about (sshh...can you hear them now?)

    Much luck from my blog to yours!

  179. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I would definitely buy it! I would even reserve my copy in advance. And that is a greatcover!

  180. I'd buy it. And I'd buy one for everyone I know for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, divorces, whatever.

  181. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Fuck me this is a lot of comments. If you break 200 i'll buy it.

  182. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Bloody well done on getting a book out.

  183. Oh, it's not out. In fact, other than the stories on this blog, it's not even written. I was just trying to gauge interest in it. Now it appears I have some work to do....

  184. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Hell yes, I'd buy it.

  185. I could have sworn that I left a comment on this post!! I must be losing my mind!
    Of course I would buy your book. Do you even need to ask??
