
I've finally opened Pandora's sweet, sweet box.

A while back, John turned me on to something called the music genome project over at Pandora.com. You give it a band you like as a "seed band," and it'll go out and play a song by that band, and then it'll find a bunch of stuff from other bands that are similar in sound and play those songs. You have the ability to give each a thumbs-up or thumbs-down, and over time this will tweak your station more to your liking.

Unfortunately, I didn't have an internet connection capable of doing anything with that information at the time. Now that I have DSL, I've recently rediscovered the Pandora website, and I'm seriously thinking of buying this thing.

I got a tip on a fantastic group from Sarah over at OK Seriously, and used Jack's Mannequin as the seed band to create my radio station. So far I've discovered the following outstanding bands that are new to me:

Fielding, The GoStation, Josh Fix, The Stereo, Robbers On High Street, Ronan Keating, The Supernaturals, Wakefield, Evan And Jaron, The Skies Of America Move, The Whitlams, The Get Up Kids, Jonas Brothers, Voxtrot, The Apples, The Tickets and Golden Smog.

This thing is fantastic. Go try it for yourself. And if you like great pop music, go listen to Jack's Mannequin.


  1. I am not quite sure what makes something "the tits." I will go check it out though.

  2. Anonymous11:41 PM

    For most of the internet, it's pretty self explanatory.

  3. I have been a Pandora addict for months now. That shit is like crack.

  4. DUPE!

    I kid. Though I did post this a while back. The Pandora music project has introduced me to tons of great bands I then pirated music from. I'm serious. Those guys provided me with literally GIGS of new music.

    Though, I warn you, this is how you start getting into indie music and going on about bands no one, outside their immediate venue territory, has heard of.

    - Scott

  5. There ya go again, JV, turning us onto some good tunes. I'm still boppin' around to Head Automatica. Gracias.

  6. thanks for the warning scott. I'll take it under advisement.

  7. I guess it's better to be the tits than the balls. I guess.

  8. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Ha. I just realized that your post name is dirty.


  9. Miriam, yes you could say that. But speaking as a man, it's certainly better to have the balls rather than the tits.

    And that's one to think about.

  10. Man I love shout outs.

  11. Damn. I'd managed to resist the siren call of Pandora - couldn't listen to it at work and my Mac didn't like it at home. But now the husband has a laptop for work. Crack. Sweet, sweet crack. Goes with the box, I suppose.

  12. Why have I not heard of this Pandora before? Your station has some good stuff. But now I shall go create my own. Thanks!

  13. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Hey, I now love Jack's Mannequin. You might like Mae, and New Atlantic, and Faber Drive.

    Scotty, you're right, unfortunately - I was listening recenctly and heard a song I really liked, looked at it, and it was by Modest Mouse. Crap. I refuse to be one of -those people-, but I'm not sure what to do about it...

  14. Jeremy, I like Mae -- I'll have to check out the other two. Thanks for the tip.
