
Praise Batman, We gots us a party!

So we had a little dinner party on Sunday night for my birthday. Nothing fancy, just a few friends, some beer, wine, food and good conversation. It was very low-key. So I'm not exactly sure when things got to this point:

So anyway, if you happened to notice a slight glow toward the northern horizon, that was coming from my back yard. Whenever I invite Fireboy to the house, it's almost a given that sometime during the night I'll be hooking the hose up to put something out. You turn your back on him for a split second, and next thing you know, something's going up in flames. Most of the time it's outside at least, so...there's that.

The one thing this photo doesn't show, since I blurred his image to avoid unnecessarily alerting the authorities to his whereabouts, is the look of fervent joy on his face as he watched the tree burn. It was a look that clearly said, "This is what I was born to do."

I knew I should have dragged that old christmas tree out of sight when I had the chance, because it, as so many things at my house apparently do, "needed burnin'."



  1. hmmmm...sometimes i could use him here...we have a garage that would put good use to his talents!

  2. If John was there he would've jumped over the burning Christmas tree.

  3. Fire! Heh heh heh heh. Fire!

  4. Good ol' Yort, always up for a holiday burn or three.

    How I miss him.

  5. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Dude, in my defense it was still outside in May and only about 3 feet from your deck.

  6. Point taken, but I will add that it sat there without bothering anybody since January and not once did it burst into flames. Well, until Sunday night. Damn that thing was hot. I have no idea how you actually held it without lighting yourself on fire. Good stuff.

  7. He is definitly fireman material.

  8. I was not expecting that picture...

  9. ah man I need to come there and jump some fire.
