
Henry's Door.

For those who don't know, I have a little short story out on Amazon right now.

This is some quick background on it, written by my friend Mark, who happens to be a brilliant photographer.  He uses film and develops it himself and makes his own prints for god's sake.  Check out some of his stuff while you're over there.

Tell him Johnny sent ya.


  1. Anonymous11:33 PM

    The link goes to Flickr's home page. "Sign up here".

    I'll look up the story on Amazon! You know I loved "The Snitch, Houdini and Me."!

    Peace <3

  2. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Too late! I bought it! HAHAHAHA
    Will read it tonight or tomorrow and give you a review.

    Peace <3

  3. Thanks Johnny for a great story. Don't ever make me cry again.
    Unless it's from a gift of one case of sake which would do the trick nicely.

  4. going to get it now...glad you told us about it.

    1. Thanks Muskrat. Hope you like it. If you don't, please don't leave me a review.:)

  5. Done and bought. I'm sure I will love it. The story behind it makes it even more special. :)

  6. Really great story. I'll be leaving a good review!

  7. Downloaded and read it last night.
    Reviewed it on Amazon.co.uk this morning.
    A great story that yes, brought a tear to my eye.
    Well done, Johnny.
    You're wasted in IT.
    Go write a full-length novel!

    1. Thanks Nick, for both the kind words and the review.

  8. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Hello, Johnny. I haven't read The Door. I don't read anything that makes me cry. Having lost a bunch of pets and both my parents, I don't cry for entertainment. Therefore, I am in need of your more lighthearted fare. And I'd also like to make sure you're still alive. Thanks for all the fun!

  9. It has a happy ending, if that counts for anything. I'm still alive. In the process of writing a post as we speak. I always think about putting up a final post and calling it a day, but then I'll get the bug to write something again. I'm like the Rolling Stones. But my liver is in slightly better shape.

  10. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I'm glad to hear it about your liver. One more question before I read "The Door." I read your book, by the way -- side-splitting, screaming good laughter. Several snorts, too. Anyhow, my question -- do any animals die in The Door? I don't mean that someone eats a hamburger and that's indicative of cow death. I didn't know that cow, and I didn't see it's death. I just don't like to read about animals being put to death.

    1. No fictional animals were harmed in the making of this story.
