

I'm not sure what's up with me and writing these days. We don't seem to like each other anymore. I feel like Hank Moody, except without all the sex, drugs, money, fame, bad luck and worse decisions. OK, I'm now aware that I should have picked a better example, but you get my drift. I feel I've been walking around in a black cloud of unfunny the last few weeks and I don't know why. Normally, shit just happens, and I write about it, but that technique has been failing me lately so tonight I decided I would just start writing and see what pops out of my tired head.

In other news, I quit the Draw Something, and it appears I'm not the only one. I spent way too much time on it that would have been put to better use writing. It was really fun, and got me (sort of) drawing again. As a result, I'm asking for this for my birthday, but I'm done with the game, at least for now. I think I got burned out on drawing the same things over and over. I'll have to share some of my masterpieces with you and see if you can guess them.

Speaking of things that popped out my head, check this bad boy out:

Not only is it completely grey, but it's insanely curly. And it just appeared out of nowhere this morning. Yesterday, nothing -- today, my head has one of Morgan Freeman's pubes growing out of it, and I have no idea how it got there. If this is any indication of the future I am going to be forced to shave it all off. No way am I walking around looking like this. That's just bad for business all around.

My wife and I have been trying a new coffee brand from Maine called Wicked Joe, and I think we like it. It comes in a black shiny bag, and it's pretty easy to find in your local grocery store. They have a dark roast decaf she likes and it's cheaper than Starbucks. The other day we had this conversation:

Her: "I really like that new decaf coffee I bought the other day."

Me: "Oh yeah? Which one?"

Her: "The Big Black Bag of Joe."

Me: "I'm pretty sure that's not what it's called. However, you have a bright future ahead of you in the field of product marketing."

So now that I've stopped drawing stuff, I find I have all sorts of time to write and no excuses. Your job here, if you choose to accept it, is to bug the shit out of me if you find I haven't updated in a while. It'll keep me honest. Just pretend you're Mick, and I'm this guy:

I went to a musical reunion of sorts last night, and holy shit, it was like the 80's never died. Or a better description would probably be it was like the 80's died, then came back to life looking for brains. I'll tell you all about it this week.


  1. I hope that reunion wasn't the one in PA - I had high hopes for that even though I couldn't go.

    Your writer's block is probably exhaustion. Take a few days off, get out & enjoy the Spring!

    1. No, this was a local event hosted by the two guys who owned a popular club back before I was old enough to bar hop. A friend of mine was playing.

  2. I was cleaning my brain tonight. Cleaning my brain meant I had to clean up al the crap I ever blogged over the past 7 years. While sweeping and dusting I came across your blog, it was buried under a bunch of whiny incoherent rants. A shining star buried under my pile of shit. Been sitting here reading your words and feeling a smile forming on my face and a couple of chuckles in my belly. I thought I lost those abilities, thank you reminding me there is some great stuff in this crazy world. You got some great stuff, keep shining, even if you're feeling a little dull, others see a little light at the end of the tunnel with your words.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, just me. It might be a train!

  3. ^^^ What they said. Keep your head up. Three and a half years ago I found this place on accident, I'm not leaving. It was the second best accident of my life. The first happened in a doctor's office in Mexico.

    1. That penis reduction surgery was an Accident?

  4. Omg I am kind of relieved that I am not the only one w bloggers block. I have found that if you ignore it..it will come ..kind of like field of dreams but without the work. Watch a funny movie..go see a standup comedian..they are good muses for your own funny bone. You are a great writer and now I see a great artist too? Damn you and your talents! Take care and I look forward to your next blog. :)

  5. The sticker! the sticker we were promised! Pre-promised blogfodder, right there. What happened, was it not funny when it arrived?

    I realize I am a very recent commenter but I've been lurking for a couple years now probably, so I'm not some kind of sticker-troll, if such a thing exists.

    1. That's true! Although it wasn't really funny -- well maybe to you guys. It's on my car and it's completely geeky and totally fanboy, but it gives me a modicum of pleasure when I see it, so I figured screw it, why not? HULK NO CARE WHAT PUNY HUMANS THINK!

  6. Rocky? I'm bad at guessing games, and art, but I love your blog. sometimes it makes me laugh until I cry. Also I think the Mayan Prediction has got everyone procrastinating. That's what I'm blaming mine on anyway--why do homework when the world is gonna end anyway? :-) Relax, writers block is like erectile dysfunction, the more you worry about it the worse it gets. haahaahaaa have a great day!

  7. That Sensu pen looks REALLY cool! Please let us know what you think after you get it. As far as blogging block, I think we all get it. I keep a list of topics I've thought of at other times, which sometimes helps get me rolling. Don't worry, your faithful readers will still be here whenever you feel like dropping in.

    For the record, I am still playing and still enjoying Draw Something very much. Call me a wacko (my kids do)...

  8. When I have to go too long between your blogs I just re-read parts of your book. Not to worry I am sure the blockage will pass.

  9. Sensu! ooh, I totally need one of those. And I'm pretty sure that coffee from Maine is not going to be that easy to find in MY local grocery. On the other hand, if you're looking for Community brand...

    The writing comes back when it's ready. Sort of like sheep, or so I hear.

  10. I got all kinds of excited when Draw Something was finally available for Kindle Fire. (I don't have an i-anything or an android phone. Mainly because I'm the mother, and anytime one of the four phones on the account is up for an upgrade, one of the kids has dropped his phone into the toilet, off a bridge, out a truck window, etc., and I remain stuck with a refurbished Blackberry.) I sat around watching everyone else play for weeks, and I was so envious. Well, it's been a week and I'm already bored. Time to find something else to squander my time.

    And your blogger's/writer's block - what you did there, I always called it a Seinfeld Column when I had the weekly gig. An entire column about a whole lot of nothing. I usually made it known that was what I was doing so no one thought I'd suffered a stroke. It's like a lull in conversation that happens every however many minutes that it happens in conversation. You'll be back to business as usual eventually.

  11. We all struggle with finding relevant things to write from time to time. Like me and this comment, for example.

  12. Check this out, if you haven't already: http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2012/05/a_natural_history.html#more.

    Reminds me more than a little of what you often do here. And maybe it'll give you a little nudge, if you want it.

    But whatever happens, remember that with respect to your writing, you don't owe anybody anything. Write it for yourself or don't write it at all. If it's good (and it usually is), others will come along for the ride.

    1. Nice essay! I could relate to a lot of it.

  13. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I read "blockage" and immediately relieved the two days in April I spent in the hospital during a heart *event*...isn't that cute? I had an *event*..but it didn't involve blockages.

    Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, writer's block...yeah it happens. But, like love you'll find your voice when you stop looking for it.

    Or you might find it in Idaho. Mine went there once, but it was looking for potatoes...I tried to tell it, but you know how writer's voices can be.
