
I'm afraid to ask

But I'm hoping my wife is doing this with her finger or a spoon and not her tongue.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Faegan comment was so good I had to put it back.

    Meanwhile, on your wife's blog:

    "I hope my husband is doing this with anything other than his penis."

  3. Hahaha. That comment makes me think of the meatloaf post.

  4. My sense of humor can be a little, uh, bawdy. Plus, I sometimes (read "often") assume a certain familiarity with bloggers I follow that is frankly unwarranted. The combination can be dangerous. I find myself posting comments I thought were funny only to find I've pissed everyone off because they either don't get it or I've stepped (way) over the line. And so I deleted my comment to be safe.

    I should have known you'd be okay with it, though. I've read enough of your blog to realize we are not so different.

    Ah, there I go again. Sweet Jebus on a bread crumb, I sound like a stalker.

    Ah, well. I can always delete this one, too.

  5. i do not share my p-butter jar. had a young college boy living in my basement (no, not like that) for a few weeks, and the ONLY thing that was off limits in my kitchen? my peanute butter.

    and faegan - you are among friends.

  6. Daisy did he finally escape or did you let him go?

  7. My teen son uses a soup ladle.

  8. Mackerel10:42 AM

    More from the bawdy and (probably) inappropriate department:

    If she's doing that with her tongue, I envy you Mr. Virgil, as it must giraffe-like in its proportions!

    I'm just sayin' that there's a silver lining here!

  9. Anonymous11:54 AM

    That's hot.

  10. Hmmm...the possibilities this opens up in my warped fantasies...errr...no let's not go there...better for all of us.

    I like the verification word.


  11. you better check the butter sticks too

  12. If that's maple cream it could be anything....finger, tongue, spoon, toe, earlobe....


  13. have you seen my new lamp?
