
OK, I caved. I'm a twit.

People have asked me if I was on Twitter. "No," I would say, "I barely have time to blog let alone twit, or tweet, or twat, or whatever the kids are calling it these days."

But ... as you can see over there on the right, I've finally caved. I only have 9 followers so far, so yeah, it's a pretty exclusive club.

I have no idea how it even works or how long I'll be using it before I decide I've had enough, but if you feel like it, join up or sign up or follow me around or whatever you call it. I am asking you this mostly because I don't know if I can keep thinking shit up for 9 people, no matter how awesome and ahead of the curve they are.

Tell your friends. Originally I was thinking your real, live friends and not your Facebook friends, but OK, you can tell your Facebook friends, too.

As the banner up there says, "Don't Expect Too Much."

I'll try to deliver at least that. Thanks!


  1. Haha my wife and I always call it twatting.

  2. I have managed to resist the urge. I've got my hands full with the number of things I am forced to neglect on the interwebs without adding anything else. Good Luck, you'll have no trouble amassing followers!

  3. Well I jut joined the party so you're up to 15 followers now.

    Here are some good articles to help you navigate your way through Twitter:



    In general, Mashable has great Twitter info. Also, if you really get into it and want to download one of the software programs that make it easier to use, I find Twirl is better than TweetDeck: it uses less memory and has never crashed my laptop (which Tweetdeck has).

    I have three Twitter accounts - personal, work and an alter ego for a charity I'm on the bard of. It can be a lot of fun. I have trained everyone in my company on how to use Twitter, feel free to email me any time with any questions. My email is on my blog.

  4. i confess i too do not twit, or twat (tho that sounds dirty). I don't really know what it is or what the purpose is. and this is the moment when I realize i'm no longer part of the young whipper snapper generation ;-)

  5. I tried, I got lost, I have no idea what I'm doing there or what is the point, if you find out lets us know would ya

  6. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I'm #50. Yeah me. I think your Tweets are hilarious.

  7. Consider yourself followed, dude.

    In a non-creepy, stalkerish kind of way.

  8. I am liking the sweet tweets..
    twit away..

  9. Yay! I looked for you the other day!!

  10. I only signed up to follow the commuter train delay updates, and suddenly I've got people asking to follow me. I'm not funny. YOU sir, ARE funny. That's why people will follow you. There's another guy out there, writes a blog, and tweets, but says he tweets only for his own amusement, and that of his friends. If people don't "get" his tweets, that's on them, 'cause they are not written for the amusement of the general public. You can check out his views on tweeting: http://wilwheaton.typepad.com/

  11. I'm following now too (Semky). If you follow Mashable, it's good stuff but expect a tweet every ten minutes or so!

  12. If I don't twat with you, does that mean I'm out of the JV fan club? I'll spread the word about it, anyway. I bet you get at least 100 people like *that*.

  13. happy now? ;-) ♥

  14. I'm TheNessaM

    Follow my ass.

  15. I joined. Tooled around. Cancelled the account.

    Many of my "real" friends think it's fun. So, to each their own. ;)

  16. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Just added you, and I'm expecting a lot. :)

  17. Jaime8:28 PM

    So, I have your site 'favorited' - suddenly it no longer works (takes me to some GoDaddy site). Had to Google you to find the new web address. Anyone else have that problem?

  18. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Ugh....I knew it would get you eventually.


  19. Jaime, thanks for the heads up. Seems godaddy decided to no longer redirect 15minutelunch.com (my domain) to 15minutelunch.blogspot.com.

  20. I am still resisting the urge to tweet or twit (whatever). I already facebook and blog, ugh I don't need another addiction/thing to do.

  21. Sir, we expect minute by minute updates on twater. Everyone is famous on twater, and you can be too. Taking a dump? TWAT IT! Picking your nose? TWAT IT! Picking pub's off the end of Frank? TWAT IT! Good Grief Charlie Brown, are we really this self-absorbed? Oh well, hope you have a lot of "friends"....

  22. Ray, I, too, am not sure what the point of all that is. My promise to you is this: if I don't think it's funny, you won't see me mention it. I will basically be tossing out one line jokes as they occur to me, and that's pretty much it. I will do that until it bores me, which should be in about two weeks, I think. You won't have to worry about memorizing my dump schedule, don't worry.

  23. Remember: I don't have to say "Yeah. That's all me." unless there's a fiery crash and twittering happening at the same time. ;-)

  24. musicfan11:17 PM

    Okay...I'm in, too. Looking forward to having your observations, jokes, tweets, or whatever brighten my day. I was already "on" Twitter for a musician I really like, and his random comments are a blast so this should be at least that much fun.

  25. Anonymous2:28 PM

    re. buckndi's comment, and for the non Über Star Trek geeks who are reading:

    Wil Wheaton = "Ensign Wesley Crusher", on the tv show Star Trek: The Next Generation. Yeah, that geeky little kid everyone hated in the 80's is now in his 30's and married with 1 or 2 kids. And funny as hell. Haven't read his tweets but here's his blog:


    Also, of further amusement - esp for ST fans/haters - he had a semi regular gig at TVSquad.com, wherein he would periodically watch one of the old ST:TNG episodes and absolutely eviscerate it:


    sadly he only did this for maybe a dozen episodes, until April 2008 and nothing since then. Plenty of material there to enjoy though.

    have fun, kids!


  26. Anonymous2:48 PM

    ..D'oh: I posted the wrong blog address above, for Wil Wheaton - that one is from 2006 & earlier. Here's his latest/current blog:


    and don't forget to check out his ST:TNG posts at TVSquad. Some seriously funny sh!t in there -


  27. Um, also, um...I might have signed up for Twitter purely to follow Brent Spiner. (AKA Data from Star Trek TNG)

    I might also follow Levar Burton, Wil Wheaton, and William Shatner. And Rainn Wilson.

    I'm not admitting to any of this, you understand. I will totally admit to following you, though.

  28. Johnny Virgil, I think you may have found yourself a new medium. I kinda dig it. I've resisted the Twit until now. Yay.

  29. whoa whoa whoa...

    How do I follow Wil, and the rest of those ST & STNG folk on Twitter? Do I just use their real names to search them?

    Help a geek out!

    (of course I'm following you Johnny...but I gotta get my geek fix too)

  30. You gave in!!!
    I'm resisting!!

  31. Anonymous11:25 PM

    I don't get this Twitter or Facebook stuff either.
    So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager

  32. Glad to see you on there! I love Twitter. It means I blog less (which isn't all that often anyway), but it's great for down time (traffic, offices that require waiting, time on the shitter, airports, etc.). I think you'll enjoy it.
